About AP

Agency for Peacebuilding

Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) is a think-and-do organisation committed to bridging the gap between research and practice in peacebuilding.

AP aims to contribute to more peaceful and just societies by preventing and transforming violent conflict and creating spaces for dialogue and cooperation across sectors and divides.

Our Vision

AP’s vision is of a world where conflicts can be transformed without violence and
where peace can be promoted through inclusive, innovative and sustainable means.

Our Approach


1. Positive peace
We believe in a definition of peace that is not only the absence of war, but as a fair, inclusive and equitable society

2. Dialogue, local ownership and partnership
Our approach promotes an open dialogue among the actors we work with. AP always strives for local ownership and equal partnerships

3. Pluralism, diversity and inclusion
We recognise the value of diversity and the importance of pluralism in carrying out our work. We operate from an approach that is inclusive and intersectional

4. Creativity and innovation
Creativity and forward-thinking approaches are also at the centre of our work, striving to create peacebuilding solutions that are innovative and sustainable

More info on peaceagency.org

Press Office & Media Relations

Members of the media seeking more information, reports and photos of the BPF, please write to:

Nadia Paleari
AP & BPF Communications Officer